Costa Rican Christmas Traditions: The Nativity Scene

Christmas is a very special celebration for Ticos (Costa Ricans, as most of the readers of the Tico Times already know, are affectionately known as Ticos). Traditional food, gatherings with friends and family, presents, and decorations make this a fantastic season in the country. “El portal” or “el pasito” (the Nativity Scene) is very significant …

Debunking Myths: Is Costa Rica Really a Socialist Country?

Facebook has numerous pages catering to the foreign community in Costa Rica. There are always a number of posts from people thinking about moving to or visiting Costa Rica, and their “what’s it like?” questions. Responses vary. One recent post caught my eye when a responder—almost certainly an estadounidense—described Costa Rica as a country of …

Costa Rican Telecom Industry Rocked by Huawei Corruption Allegations

The Costa Rican government announced it has filed a complaint against Huawei and its representative in the country, Yang Peng, along with two officials and three former officials of the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE). The announcement was made by President Rodrigo Chaves and ICE president Marco Acuña at a press conference. They clarified that …

Consultas de reformas a CSS iniciaron en Bocas y hoy en David

Las consultas al proyecto 163 que reforma la ley de la Caja del Seguro Social (CSS), se trasladaron ayer al auditorio de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP), ubicada en Changuinola, Finca 13, en la provincia de Bocas del Toro.Los diputados miembros de la Comisión de Salud, Trabajo y Desarrollo Social de la Asamblea Nacional, …

CA manejará $500 millones para respaldar a empresas

Un programa de financiamiento de $500 millones con los bancos Citi y BBVA, para el plan de reactivación económica, será gestionado a través de la Caja de Ahorros.La iniciativa es para respaldar a sectores productivos, especialmente las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes), impulsando el desarrollo económico y la creación de empleo.El gerente general de la …