Master Spanish in 10 Weeks!

¡Dando mi opinión! (Expressing My Opinion!)

Welcome to Week 8: ¡Dando mi opinión! (Expressing My Opinion!)

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After exploring hobbies and free time in Week 7, Week 8 equips you to voice your opinions in Spanish! We’ll learn how to express likes, dislikes, agreements, and disagreements effectively, allowing you to participate in meaningful conversations and share your point of view.

Master Spanish in 10 Weeks!

¡Di lo que piensas! (Say what you think!)

Theme: Opinions and Attitudes Goals:

  • Master vocabulary related to expressing opinions, agreements, and disagreements.
  • Learn different ways to structure opinion sentences in Spanish.
  • Practice using appropriate phrases for giving feedback or making suggestions.
  • Discuss controversial topics in a respectful manner.
  • Engage in debates or discussions about various issues.

Words & Phrases:

  • Opinions: opinión (opinion), me parece (it seems to me), creo que (I think), pienso que (I think that), estoy de acuerdo (I agree), no estoy de acuerdo (I disagree)
  • Agreements & Disagreements: tienes razón (you’re right), no tienes razón (you’re wrong), sí, pero… (yes, but…), de ninguna manera (no way)
  • Giving Feedback: me gusta (I like), no me gusta (I don’t like), me encantaría (I would love), te sugiero… (I suggest…), creo que deberías… (I think you should)
  • Discussing Issues: tema (topic), problema (problem), medio ambiente (environment), política (politics), sociedad (society)


Warm-up: Play a “Two Truths and a Lie” game in Spanish. Students take turns stating three things about themselves, two truths and one lie. The class guesses which statement is the lie.

Opinion Bingo: Create bingo cards with Spanish opinion phrases like “Creo que…” or “Estoy de acuerdo.” Present a series of statements on various topics. Students mark off the phrases they hear and the first to get a bingo wins.

Debate Club: Organize a debate on a controversial topic in Spanish. Students can choose sides and research their arguments, then present their opinions and respond to opposing viewpoints.

Restaurant Review Role-playing: Simulate a restaurant visit in Spanish. Students take turns playing the roles of waiter/waitress and customer. The customer practices expressing their opinions about the food and service.

Movie Critique: Watch a short Spanish-language movie clip. Students write a review in Spanish, not only summarizing the plot but also expressing their personal opinions and critiques.

Bonus: Research a famous Spanish-speaking philosopher, writer, or activist. Present their work to the class, highlighting their views on social or political issues, and sparking a discussion about expressing opinions in Spanish.

Remember: Keep practicing voicing your opinions in Spanish! Don’t be afraid to engage in conversations with native speakers, share your thoughts on various topics, and learn from their perspectives as well.

¡Felicitaciones! (Congratulations!) You’ve completed Week 8 of your Spanish learning journey. Stay tuned for Week 9, where we’ll delve into the world of describing people and things!

Additional Tips:

  • Encourage students to write short opinion essays on various topics in Spanish.
  • Incorporate current events from Spanish-speaking countries to spark discussions and opinion sharing.
  • Use online forums or social media platforms to connect with Spanish speakers and practice expressing opinions in a real-world context.
  • Play Spanish-language games that involve expressing opinions, like “Would You Rather?” or “This or That?”

By the end of Week 8, you’ll be well-equipped to express your opinions confidently in Spanish, participate in meaningful discussions, and share your unique perspective with the world. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)