Week 2: Spanish Lesson

Theme: My Day (Mi Día) Master Spanish in 10 Weeks | Fun, Easy & Phonetic!
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Goals:
- Build vocabulary related to daily activities and routines.
- Practice present tense verb conjugations for common verbs.
- Ask and answer questions about daily schedules.
- Introduce basic time expressions.
Words & Phrases:
- Desayunar (deh-sah-yoo-NAR) – To have breakfast
- Almorzar (al-mor-ZAR) – To have lunch
- Cenar (seh-NAR) – To have dinner
- Trabajar (trah-bah-HAR) – To work
- Estudiar (es-too-dee-AR) – To study
- Jugar (hoo-gar) – To play
- Dormir (dor-MIR) – To sleep
- Hacer (ah-SER) – To do (conjugated)
- Hoy (oy) – Today
- Mañana (mah-NYAH-na) – Tomorrow
- Ayer (ah-YER) – Yesterday
- Por la mañana (por lah mah-NYAH-na) – In the morning
- Por la tarde (por lah TAR-deh) – In the afternoon
- Por la noche (por lah NO-che) – In the evening
- Warm-up: Play a “Simon Says” game with actions related to daily routines. Use commands like “Desayuna,” “Duerme,” and “Trabaja.”
- Vocabulary Practice: Create a matching game or flashcards with the new vocabulary words and phrases.
- Present Tense Practice: Write a sample daily schedule for yourself using the present tense. Ask your partner questions about their schedule using “Hoy, ¿qué haces por la mañana?” and “Ayer, ¿a qué hora dormiste?”
- Role-playing: Pair up and pretend to be friends discussing your typical day or weekend plans. Use the new vocabulary and time expressions to create a dialogue.
- Song Time: Learn a simple Spanish song about daily routines, like “Buenos días, buenas tardes” or “La canción del despertador.”
- Challenge yourself to write a short paragraph about your daily routine using the new vocabulary and grammar.
- Introduce yourself to someone new in Spanish, mentioning your name, where you’re from, and what you like to do in your free time.
Remember: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes! Practice is key to learning any language. If you’re stuck on something, ask your partner, teacher, or me for help.
This Week 2 lesson builds on the basic greetings and introductions from Week 1, expanding your ability to discuss everyday life in Spanish. Have fun, keep practicing, and you’ll be surprised how quickly your skills progress!
Stay tuned for Week 3, where we’ll explore the world of food and ordering at restaurants!
Week 1 Review! https://allthingspanama.net/index.php/week-1-spanish-lesson/